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Artist Rating

Average point value for 10CM2


Average price of the artist’s works 2500€
Estimated value of a 15F (median value of formats) 2905€
Start of certification 00/00/0000
Validity of the certification Unlimited

Formats Standards

Points Marine Paysage Figure Est. moy.
aux points
Dim. Est. Dim. Est. Dim. Est.
0 10 x 18 166€ 12 x 18 183€ 14 x 18 191€ 183€
1 12 x 22 219€ 14 x 22 256€ 16 x 22 294€ 256€
2 14 x 24 299€ 16 x 24 319€ 19 x 24 378€ 319€
3 16 x 27 359€ 19 x 27 426€ 22 x 27 493€ 426€
4 19 x 33 520€ 22 x 33 603€ 24 x 33 657€ 603€
5 22 x 35 639€ 24 x 35 697€ 27 x 35 784€ 697€
6 24 x 41 817€ 27 x 41 919€ 33 x 41 1123€ 919€
8 27 x 46 1031€ 33 x 46 1260€ 38 x 46 1451€ 1260€
10 33 x 55 1506€ 38 x 55 1667€ 46 x 55 2077€ 1667€
12 38 x 61 1924€ 46 x 61 2329€ 50 x 61 2494€ 2329€
Points Marine Paysage Figure Est. moy.
aux points
Dim. Est. Dim. Est. Dim. Est.
15 46 x 65 2414€ 50 x 65 2698€ 54 x 65 2913€ 2698€
20 50 x 73 3030€ 54 x 73 3272€ 60 x 73 2329€ 3272€
25 54 x 81 3630€ 60 x 81 4034€ 65 x 81 4370€ 4034€
30 60 x 92 4582€ 65 x 92 4582€ 73 x 92 4582€ 4582€
40 65 x 100 5395€ 73 x 100 6059€ 81 x 100 6723€ 6059€
50 73 x 116 7028€ 81 x 116 7799€ 89 x 116 8569€ 7782€
60 81 x 130 8740€ 89 x 130 9603€ 97 x 130 10466€ 9603€
80 89 x 146 10785€ 97 x 146 11754€ 114 x 146 13815€ 11754€
100 97 x 162 13043€ 114 x 162 15328€ 130 x 162 17480€ 15328€
120 97 x 195 15699€ 114 x 195 18451€ 130 x 195 21041€ 18451€


Points Dimensions Estimation
2 20 x 20 332€
5 30 x 30 747€
8 40 x 40 1328€
10 50 x 50 2075€
15 60 x 60 2988€
20 70 x 70 4067€
Points Dimensions Estimation
30 80 x 80 5312€
40 90 x 90 6723€
50 100 x 100 8300€
60 120 x 120 11952€
80 150 x 150 18675€
100 200 x 200 33200€

Doubles Carrιs

Points Dimensions Estimation
4 40 x 20 664€
10 60 x 30 1494€
15 80 x 40 1992€
20 100 x 50 4150€
30 120 x 60 5976€

Triples Carrιs

Points Dimensions Estimation
6 60 x 20 996€
15 90 x 30 2241€
25 120 x 40 3984€
30 150 x 50 6225€

Artcertificate uses analytical AI software that allows a precise questionnaire to objectively locate an artist on the art market. This evaluation provides an index point of 10 cm2 to evaluate the selling price of the artist’s works according to their sizes. A certificate of value is published to inform about the artist’s notoriety and its evolutions. This evaluation depends on criteria such as the technique used (oil, watercolor, acrylic, bronze, resin, etc.), the dimensions of the work, the experience and notoriety of the artist, the number of personal and collective exhibitions carried out by the artist, the number of press articles, significant books about him, the existence of an official website dedicated to his art, training (art school, self-taught)… Under no circumstances does this certificate of value replace a legal quotation made by a certified expert in European courts and cannot be legally used for value declarations with insurance companies and institutional bodies.